FAQs. Information on ordering Cherished Horsehair Products
Can I send in my horse's hair?
Absolutely! I love doing orders when it is extra special to you. That is why I started doing this in the first place. I want you to be able to have something to remember your horse by.
Can I use mane hair?
Unfortunately, I can only use tail hair. It is much stronger than the mane hair and holds up better.
How much hair do you need?
About a finger tips width is plenty. I can only use the long hairs for most items. The best place to take the hair from is at the bottom of the tail bone and cut in a few different places so it doesn't show. Rubber band the top and send it in a Ziploc bag with your name on the bag.
Can my horsehair product get wet?
The glue used for the endcaps is a waterproof glue but it is not a soap proof glue. If it gets wet, or you forget to take it off when bathing a horse or showering, or it happens to go through the wash it should be fine. Just let it dry and try not to do it again. The soap will break down the glue over time if it continues to get in it but it will not bother the hair.
How long will it take to get my custom order?
I will ship the order out 2 to 3 weeks after I receive your order. If it will be longer than that I will notify you when the order is placed.
Do I need to wash the hair?
No, you do not need to wash the hair before sending it to me. I have to wash the hair before I work with it anyway.